Muller signs up for virtual expo

Muller signs up for virtual expo

This text is reproduced with kind permission of Print Week, you can read the original article here on Print Week. Online trade show Printing Expo has signed up Muller Martini as a Premier Partner, with a huge virtual showroom in the works. Printing Expo was launched...
My Digital Journey: RBM

My Digital Journey: RBM

This text is reproduced with kind permission of Digital Labels & Packaging, you can read the original article here on Digital Labels & Packaging. Wayne Beckett is joint managing director at Resolve Business Management (RBM), and event sales director for...
Virtual events aim to plug ‘real’ gap

Virtual events aim to plug ‘real’ gap

Two virtual print industry events, both led by seasoned print expo pros, are aiming to partially plug the gap left by the rescheduling of Drupa, Fespa and a number of industry conferences. Global PrintExpo is the brainchild of Wayne Beckett and Chris Watson, joint...
Анонсирована Printing Expo – первая в мире виртуальная полиграфическая выставка

Анонсирована Printing Expo – первая в мире виртуальная полиграфическая выставка

Компания Resolve Business Management объявила о запуске Printing Expo – первой в мире полностью вирутальной выставки и конференции для полиграфической индустрии. Разрабатывая креативную концепцию мероприятия, его директора – Уэйн Беккет (Wayne Beckett) и Крис Ватсон...